Rules of the road.
As you likely know, drivers sit on the right hand side of the car. I am still frequently shocked (and scared) when I see a child sitting in the front left seat. The same goes for adults in the front left seat who clearly aren't paying attention to the road ahead.
Traffic lights here change from green to yellow to red and back. Yes, that's right there is a yellow light when the light changes from red to green.
Bus attendants.
On some of the local bus routes there is a) the driver and b) the attendant. The driver drives the bus and the attendant walks throughout the bus collecting money and tickets. It is great for avoiding lines as everyone can just get on the bus.
If someone is your friend, they are your mate. If someone is attractive, they are fit. If something is cool, its lush. To thank the driver of a bus, taxi, etc., say "Cheers drive!". Thanks can be shortened to "Ta!"
Tomorrow I venture off to London for a few days before setting out to continental Europe for a few weeks. I'm not sure where exactly my adventures will take me but I'm excited to meet up with some friends who I met last semester.
Take care, talk to you when I'm back!
Happy Easter!
P.S. Here's some pics of Swansea!
Outside the train station. Abertawe is the city's Welsh name.
The city centre- featuring Yates, a great pub!