In the last few days, many people have assumed that I am Finnish. Yesterday however, I unintentionally gave away my true nationality. While sitting in class, I pulled out my Hilroy notebook. The guy beside me then said "Oh, you're an exchange student! I thought you were a Finn!" He apparently knew I was an exchange student because I had the paper all of the exchange students have. Who knew a simple notebook could reveal so much about someone!
(I should probably state that the paper commonly used here is what I would call graph paper. Also, if the paper is punched to fit in a binder, it has either 2 or 4 holes. I have yet to find any 3 hole lined paper here!)
Now for some exciting news! I have booked a trip to Lapland! Not only will I be travelling to the Arctic Circle, I will get to go to a reindeer farm, visit Santa's Village and hopefully see the northern lights!!
I've also attached some pictures to this post, enjoy!

Typical scenery in Jyväskylä.

Famous bridge in Jyväskylä, located on campus

Bikes in the city centre.
Me with my bike (note the bike shelters behind me).