Thursday, September 10, 2009

Well folks, school is underway here in Jyväskylä. I have had 2 Finnish courses so far. It will certainly take a lot of effort for me to learn the language, but I know it will be worth it. Tomorrow I have a four hour lecture. Eeek. Let's hope we cover an interesting topic!

I must take a moment to talk about my bike. So far, other than food, my bike has probably been my best purchase here in Finland. The bike has made the journey to and from school much easier, not to mention faster. Today I conquered a hill which only days ago I said I would never be able to ride up. Next hill on the list is right outside of my flat. Today seeing a child ride up the hill as I walked my bike will act as extra motivation on my next attempt.

I would also like to discuss the dirt bikes and motorcycles here. (I am reminded as one drives past my window.) They seem to be very popular among tweens and teens. Groups gather at the school yard near my flat to see who can ride the fastest, make the most noise or do the best trick. I would compare the school yard to the infamous Tim Horton's parking lot at home. The bikes simply take the place of strollers.

Oh, I am still in seach of a store that sells alarm clocks, so if you know one in the Jyväskylä area, please let me know!
